Everything you need to ace your ATPL exams

Practise till you're perfect. Get instant access to thousands of carefully devised EASA ATPL exam questions, verified and explained by experienced flight instructors.

“Essential for any ATPL student. The best ATPL question bank I’ve used.”

Clare Vaux
Clare Vaux
Senior TKI and ex-airline pilot at KLM

Thousands of randomisable questions

  • Comprehensive, accurate, and up-to-date

    Every question in Exam Copilot has been carefully devised by ATPL instructors to mimic real-life exam questions and cover every aspect of the syllabus.

  • Different questions every time

    Our intelligent randomisation algorithms produce realistic yet unique questions, so you'll always be challenged.

  • Adjustable difficulty

    Try more difficult versions of hundreds of questions. Type in answers without multiple choice options, attempt questions with more than one correct answer, and arrange lists of possible answers into the correct order.

An animated GIF showing random ATPL questions

Customisable and personalised tests

  • Mock EASA exams

    Take tests with the same number of questions and same duration as the real EASA exam. Prepare yourself for the real thing.

  • Personalised and customisable tests

    Create customised tests with questions from the subjects and topics you need to practise the most. Set the exact number of questions you want to practice. And choose whether to see new all questions or only those you've tried before.

  • Learn as you go, or hide the explanations

    Choose whether to see the correct and incorrect answers for each question during the test, or at the end. Choose whether to show explanations for each question as you answer them, or only when you've finished.

The test customization panel in Exam Copilot

Hands-on learning

  • Virtual instruments to explore

    Try our virtual OBI, RMI, and HSI. Adjust headings, QDMs and QDRs and see how the instruments response. Get a real feel for the navaids.

  • Acronyms and abbreviations, demystified

    Questions with acronyms or abbreviations from our ATPL glossary are automatically highlighted and annotated. Spend less time looking up Q-codes and mysterious phrases.

  • See your progress and history

    Review your profile to see how many questions you've tried and how many you answered correctly for each topic. Find out what's left to learn, then get the job done.

An animated GIF showing the virtual HSI instrument

Ready for take off? Start your free trial today.

Ace your exams. Get instant access to the world's most advanced question bank and start preparing for your ATPL now.

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Stop memorizing questions. Start practising till you're perfect.

Most ATPL question banks have the same set of exam questions. Out-of-date. Incomplete. Inaccurate. Ambiguous.

Exam Copilot does things differently.

Every question in our bank was devised by experienced ATPL theoretical knowledge instructors with years of ground school experience. Our questions cover every aspect of the syllabus. They mimic real-life exam questions. And they have accurate and carefully constructed answers, trying to trip you up — just like the real exams.

And you can wave goodbye to confusing explanations written by "subject matter experts". In Exam Copilot, every explanation is clear and concise, written by an experienced flight instructor who has helped hundreds of students to pass their ATPL exams.

Up-to-date. Comprehensive. Accurate. Easy to understand. And that's just the beginning.

Say goodbye to the same old hand-written questions.

Math-based questions are hard. There are never enough variations to try. You're stuck re-doing the same old exam questions over and over again as you to try and get to grips with the calculations. You can't practise until you're truly confident because there just aren't enough similar questions.

Meanwhile, you're drowning in fact-based questions. You have to memorize a million-and-one facts about GNSS, or PBN, or MET symbols. But it's too easy to end up memorizing the specific answers to a specific question — only to be tripped up when the real exam throws in a sneaky wrong answer or changes the wording.

It doesn't make any sense to prepare for exams in that way. So we don't do it that way.

Prepare like the professional you are.

Our intelligent randomisation algorithms generate literally millions of unique questions for every calculation-based topic on the syllabus. You'll never see the same calculation twice. You have to rely on understanding, not memory.

Even the fact-based questions in Exam Copilot are built to help you learn, not memorize. Every time you try them, you'll see different incorrect answers, and you'll see answers in a different order.

Feeling confident? Turn up the difficulty. Try questions that have multiple correct answers, questions that force you to put answers in the correct order, and questions that require you to type in the correct answer — without multiple choice options.

When you never face the same question twice, you have to understand the subject matter instead of memorizing the answers — or you'll fail. Just like the real exams.

Exam Copilot won't give you a false sense of security. It'll help you cultivate deep understanding so you can pass your exams with flying colours — and carry your expertise into the cockpit.

Stop memorizing questions. Start acing your exams.

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