Cloud Coverage Codes MET

Cloud coverage is determined by breaking the sky up in eighths (called "oktas") and seeing how many are covered with cloud. These phrases are then abbreviated for METARS and TAFTAF —Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts. In order, they are:

Sky Clear (SKCSKC —METAR/TAFTAF —Terminal Aerodrome Forecast code for sky clear) - 0 oktas. Few (FEWFEW —METARMETAR —Meteorological Actual Report/TAFTAF —Terminal Aerodrome Forecast code for 1-2 oktas of cloud) - 1-2 oktas. Scattered (SCTSCT —METAR/TAFTAF —Terminal Aerodrome Forecast code for 3-4 oktas of cloud) - 3-4 oktas. Broken (BKNBKN —METARMETAR —Meteorological Actual Report/TAFTAF —Terminal Aerodrome Forecast code for 5-7 oktas of cloud) - 5-7 oktas. Overcast (OVCOVC —METAR/TAFTAF —Terminal Aerodrome Forecast code for 8 oktas of cloud) - 8/8 oktas.

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What coverage of clouds is defined by the METARMETAR —Meteorological Actual Report code SKCSKC —METAR/TAFTAF —Terminal Aerodrome Forecast code for sky clear?
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