Humidity WV Changes MET
These questions are some of the most fundamental to your understanding of the Met syllabus. If you really understand how humidity works, a lot of the rest will follow.
Here we are talking about water vapour content changes. It is helpful to think of the air as a fuel tank and the water vapour as fuel. Here, we are changing the amount of fuel in the tank, not the size of the tank.
With increasing water vapour content:
The factors that measure WVCWVC —Water Vapour Content will increase: Absolute Humidity, Humidity Mixing Ratio, Specific Mixing Ratio, Vapour Pressure. The factors that measure saturation do not change: Saturation Mixing Ratio, Saturated Vapour Pressure. The "tank" is fuller, so Relative Humidity increases. The fact the tank is fuller means you do not have to cool it as much for it to becomes saturated, so Dew Point increases.