Radio Wave Basics RNAV

There are three fundamental concepts you need to be aware of for a radio wave. The frequency is the number of times a wave completes a full cycle every second. This is measured in Hertz (Hz) and because of the large numbers involved, is often prefixed by kilo (thousand), mega (million) or giga (billion). The wavelength is the distance between any two identical parts of the same wave (a crest ad a crest, or a trough and a trough, for example), measured in metres. Frequency and wavelength are inversely proportional - that is, as one goes up, the other goes down. Finally, the amplitude is how far the wave travels "up and down" from the zero point - usually the x axis. This corresponds in terms of sound to how "loud" a wave is, and is one of the ways in which radio wave strength is measured.

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