Questions on EFISEFIS —Electronic Flight Information System modes are generally straightforward if you remember a few simple rules. There are six possible modes:
- PLAN mode is the only mode where the display is split in two, with "up" being your heading for the top part of the display, and "up" being north for the bottom half (so you can plan, as the name suggests.) Therefore, if you can see a north arrow on the bottom half, you are in plan mode.
- MAPMAP —Manifold Absolute Pressure mode has what looks like a map on it, with the various waypoints (often identified by their codes) and the routes between them. The difference with plan mode is that the entire display is orientated to your heading, not north.
- FULL VORVOR —VHF Omnidirectional Range mode can be identified by it saying VORVOR —VHF Omnidirectional Range (usually in the bottom left hand corner of the display) with the full compass rose (from 001 to 360) displayed.
- FULL ILSILS —Instrument Landing System mode can be identified by it saying ILSILS —Instrument Landing System (usually in the bottom left hand corner of the display) with the full compass rose (from 001 to 360) displayed.
- EXPANDED VORVOR —VHF Omnidirectional Range mode can be identified by it saying VORVOR —VHF Omnidirectional Range (usually in the bottom left hand corner of the display) with a section of the compass rose along the top of the display.
- EXPANDED ILSILS —Instrument Landing System mode can be identified by it saying ILSILS —Instrument Landing System (usually in the bottom left hand corner of the display) with a section of the compass rose along the top of the display.
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Which of the following displays depicts an EFISEFIS —Electronic Flight Information System in VORVOR —VHF Omnidirectional Range FULL mode?