ILS Frequency RNAV

The section of the airband available for ground based navigational aids is 108-118 MHz. Above this band is VHFVHF —Very High Frequency comms; below it are commercial radio stations.

The 108-118 MHz band is partially shared between the VORVOR —VHF Omnidirectional Range and the ILSILSILS —Instrument Landing SystemInstrument Landing System. The ILSILS —Instrument Landing System frequencies are only between 108 and 112 MHz, so anything outside this (as in, 112-118 MHz) will be a VORVOR —VHF Omnidirectional Range frequency.

For the band 108-112 MHz, look at the first number after the decimal point to determine whether it is a VORVOR —VHF Omnidirectional Range or an ILSILS —Instrument Landing System frequency:

  • If it is odd, it is an ILSILS —Instrument Landing System frequency.
  • If it is even, it is a VORVOR —VHF Omnidirectional Range frequency.

So 108.1 is ILS; 108.2 is VORVOR —VHF Omnidirectional Range, 108.3 is ILSILS —Instrument Landing System, and so on up to 111.9.

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Which of the following is an ILSILS —Instrument Landing System frequency?