Types of VOR RNAV

There are five "other" types of VORVOR —VHF Omnidirectional RangeVOR —VHF Omnidirectional Range you need to know:

  • BVORs: VORVOR —VHF Omnidirectional RangeVOR —VHF Omnidirectional Ranges which broadcast the ATISATIS —Automatic Terminal Information Service between idents, saving pilots from having to tune two frequencies.
  • DVORDVOR —Doppler VHFVHF —Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Ranges: Doppler VORVOR —VHF Omnidirectional RangeVOR —VHF Omnidirectional Ranges, which differ from conventional VORVOR —VHF Omnidirectional RangeVOR —VHF Omnidirectional Ranges in not having siting error.
  • TVORs: Terminal VORVOR —VHF Omnidirectional RangeVOR —VHF Omnidirectional Ranges, which are low powered with a limited range and found at major airports.
  • VOTs: Test VORVOR —VHF Omnidirectional RangeVOR —VHF Omnidirectional Ranges used mainly in the USA to test airborne equipment.
  • VORTACs: Co-located VORVOR —VHF Omnidirectional Ranges and TACANs. As the VORVOR —VHF Omnidirectional RangeVOR —VHF Omnidirectional Range provides a bearing and the TACANTACAN —Tactical Air to Navigation (Navaid) a DMEDME —Distance Measuring Equipment distance, together they provide a (rho-theta) fix.

For each of these, you need to know what the acronym stands for and their basic uses - questions about the limited range of TVORs come in various forms.

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What type of VORVOR —VHF Omnidirectional Range is a BVOR?
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