This is one of the most involved and important questions on the exam. There are various steps to follow:
- Draw a VORVOR —VHF Omnidirectional Range in the centre of a page (the proper symbol for which, to help with GNav and Fplan, is a hexagon).
- Draw an arrow going directly though the VORVOR —VHF Omnidirectional Range and in the direction of the selected track. The arrow head should be pointing in the direction of the selected track, and you should label it with this heading
- Draw a perpendicular line to the selected track, again through the VORVOR —VHF Omnidirectional Range. You should now have four, 90° sectors surrounding the VORVOR —VHF Omnidirectional Range.
- Label the sectors. For the two either side of the arrow where the arrow points towards the VORVOR —VHF Omnidirectional Range, label them both "T" (for "To"). For the two sectors either side of where the arrow travels away from the VORVOR —VHF Omnidirectional Range, label them "F" (for "from"). Now for the right and left. Label the two sectors that are to the left (in the direction of the arrow) "R" (as you would have to fly right to get back to the arrow), then "L" for the other two sides.
You should now have four sectors: TR, TLTL —Traffic Load, FR and FLFL —Flight Level. Now look at the question. What does the CDICDI —Course Deviation Indicator say? The amount of deviation will be the angle from the selected track arrow into that particular sector, so if it says 8° right, with a "from" arrow, then draw another line 8° from the selected track arrow, at an angle of 8° into the "from" "right" sector.
Now as you know the selected track and its reciprocal, you will now be able to use this angle to figure out:
- The QDRQDR —Magnetic bearing from a beacon or station to an aircraft (the direction of this new line away from the VORVOR —VHF Omnidirectional Range)
- The QDMQDM —Magnetic bearing from an aircraft to a beacon or station (the opposite of QDRQDR —Magnetic bearing from a beacon or station to an aircraft)
- QUJQUJ —True bearing from an aircraft to a beacon or station and QTEQTE —True bearing from a beacon or station to an aircraft (using variation at the beacon)
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You are flying with the OBI in VORVOR —VHF Omnidirectional Range mode and the selected track set to 314°. The TO/FROM needle is showing FROM. The deviation needle is indicating 6° fly RIGHT. What is your current QDRQDR —Magnetic bearing from a beacon or station to an aircraft?